
Welcome, I pray that you enjoy this Blog and are Blessed by the words of Faith that I share. Website Coming Soon!!!

Panel 1


My name is Miriam, but you can call me Mia. I am a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, a wife and  mother of twins. I graduated from The Word of Grace School of Ministry in Lumberton, NJ and I am a Certified Biblical Life Coach. Let me say that I am extremely excited about this Blog. I see it as a space that I can come to share my personal spiritual journey with individuals that are either searching for the truth or struggling in their calling. I have the gift of discernment and up until a few years ago I struggled horribly with it. I saw it as a curse instead of a blessing because I didn’t understand it.I am grateful that God has taken me from a place of confusion, fear and self-pity, to faith, strength and peace and I am fully confident that he can do the same for you. My battle with this gift was realizing that most Christians that I came in contact with didn’t understand or have answers to what I was going through. When I knew I had the gift and I asked what it was about, they told me that it’s when you know if someone is lying or telling the truth. Or when you know if someone is preaching or teaching outside of the word of God. But when I asked about the demonic aspect of it they had no answers, or couldn’t explain why I could feel the things that I did. The Holy Spirit had to teach me how to grow in this gift. My growth came from building a relationship with Christ and allowing his word to change my life and my thinking. My prayer is that the blog reaches anyone that is struggling with the call on their life no matter what it may be and that they come to the knowledge that Jesus Christ is the answer.

Panel 2


This is a contact page with some basic contact information and a contact form.